Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So I have my own blog.....

So I am doing a Web 2.0 training for work. I was really excited about doing it, but now I have had a total mental block and have no idea what to write about. Its just like when I had a job interview last week.....worst time to have a mental block.

I have done some blog writing before, but for an organisation, not myself. I love to read the weird and wacky things that other people put on their blogs. Some are quite fun and different. Like there was this one about turtles that a lady in America had found in her property and then eventually found baby turtles, soooo cute!!  Check out the blog.......

Well over the next few weeks I hope my mental block goes away sometime soon!!! But until then, have a great Christmas and I shall catch yall laters.


  1. love your choice of colours - very bright and cheerful!

  2. The turtles sound to cute, Maybe you will be able to add that link to your blog.

  3. I hope you manage to break through your mental block! I'm intrigued by your blog title, can we see examples of your changing hair : )

  4. LOL I have now uploaded one of my hair styles! I have been Blonde, blonde and purple, blonde and brown, and have just recently gone brown with blonde foils. I am a natural darker blonde lol.

  5. Yeah I had a mental block when I first started, but I had to do a blog as part of another course I was doing so I just keep adding to that one.

  6. Oh those turtles are adorable! If you hunt around on peoples blogs you sure can find some great inspiring stuff and like-minded people. Its great!
