Thursday, January 13, 2011

FB and tweeting!

Facebook is my life (well certainly takes up alot of it), I am always on it when I am at home and when I am out on my mobile (I normally check it about twice every hour minimum), so I couldnt wait for the week were we did FB :) I have many pictures and always chatting to people to posting on my friends pages. It is a great way to communicate between me and my friends. We often use it to send out party invations and it keeps everyone informed in whats happening and latest updates. In some ways I think that it is a lot easier to communicate and you get to have the best convosations, you can just talk for hours. Some of my status's have gotten over 100 posts just from convo's that random friends have on them. It's also great for advertising in regards to youth, as they are on it most of the time. Like about upcoming events in the local city.

Twitter on the other hand, I said I would never sign up for it, although I did for this course. I think it is going to take me some getting used to but I am sure if I spend half as much time as I do on FB, I will pick it up in no time. I get confused at the #tags bit but following people is easy enough. I have put on a pretty background on and now have 7 followers lol. I just have to try and tweet some more! Personally I dont really see the point of Twitter, but maybe I am just scared because I am unfamiliar with it.


  1. And then there are people like me who live a life you probably can't imagine - I don't have a Facebook account (at least I didn't until this course, where I am a pretend person - that part was fun).

  2. I am a bit over Facebook these days and always said I would never sign up with Twitter.....until Web 2.0 said I had to. Now I am feeling pleasantly surprised and curious about the whole Tweet!

  3. I used to check my facebook once a week, then i got an iphone. Now i check it numerous times every day. It's so easy - i love my iphone!!

  4. Guess if I had more time in the day, I'd check my FB ac. 24 hrs in a day is just not enough.

  5. I long for the days when if you wanted to talk to someone, you picked up your phone, if you wanted to see someone, you jumped in your car. Where are our social skills not to mention our spelling gone!
